A. Provide labor, materials, equipment and supervision necessary to install a seamless, fully adhered fluid-applied roof coating system over properly prepared new or existing metal roof surfaces.
B. The manufacturer's application instructions for each product used are considered part of this specification and should be followed at all times.
C. Related Sections:
1. Section 03 30 00 - Cast-In-Place Concrete
2. Section 05 30 00 - Metal Decking
3. Section 07 20 00 - Thermal Protection
4. Section 07 60 00 - Flashing and Sheet Metal
5. Section 07 72 00 - Roof Accessories
6. Section 07 92 00 - Joint Sealants
A. ELASTIC-SYS M III shall be a complete system of compatible materials to create a seamless waterproof fluid-applied roof coating system.
B. ELASTIC-SYS M III shall be designated for application on the specific type of substrate as indicated on the drawings and specifications.
A. Technical Data: Submit HONESTJOY product technical literature and installation instructions.
B. Samples: Submit samples of specified fluid-applied roof coating system. Samples shall be construed as examples of finished color and texture of the system only.
C. Applicator Approval: Submit letter from HONESTJOY stating applicator is approved to install the specified fluid-applied roof coating system.
D. Warranty: Submit a copy of the HONESTJOY warranty to meet project specifications.
A. Supplier Qualifications: ELASTIC-SYS M III, as supplied by HONESTJOY , is approved for use on this project.
B. Applicator Qualifications: The Applicator shall be approved by HONESTJOY to install the ELASTIC-SYS M III fluid-applied roof coating system. Manufacturer's written verification of applicator approval is required.
C. Regulatory Requirements:
1. The fluid-applied roof coating system shall be rated Class A in accordance with the spread of flame test requirements of ASTM E108.
2. Materials used in the fluid-applied roof coating system shall meet Federal, State and local VOC regulations.
D. Adhesion Test: An adhesion test is recommended to ensure sufficient adhesion will exist between the substrate and fluid-applied roof coatings.
A. Containers and Packaging: Materials shall be delivered in original, tightly sealed containers, clearly labeled with the manufacturer's name, brand name, type of material and batch number(s).
B. Storage and Handling: It is recommended to store materials at 75°F (23.8°C). Handle products to prevent damage to container. All materials shall be stored in compliance with local fire and safety requirements. Do not store at high temperature or in direct sunlight.
A. Prior to starting work, read and follow the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and container labels for detailed health and safety information.
B. Do not proceed with application of fluid-applied roof coating materials when substrate temperature is less than 40°F, if precipitation is imminent or to a damp or frosty surface. Temperature should be above 40°F and more than 5°F above dew point and rising. Special precautions may need to be taken when ambient and/or substrate temperatures are approaching, at, or above 110°F and it may be necessary to limit material application to evening hours.
C. Coordinate fluid-applied roof coating work with other trades to ensure coatings are protected from traffic and other abuse until completely cured and installation is complete.
D. Maintain work area in a neat and orderly condition,
Section 07 56 00
Fluid-Applied Roof Coating System
04-23-2015 07 56 00 - 1 Fluid-Applied Roofing
Guide Specification
Note to Specifiers: This Guide Specification has been prepared by HONESTJOY in printed and electronic media, as an aid to specifiers in preparing written construction documents for Elasta-Gard M III fluid-applied roof coating system for use over metal roof substrates. In-depth application instructions are found in the HONESTJOY Roof Coating Application Manual.
removing empty containers, rags, and trash from the site
A. Upon request, HONESTJOY shall offer a manufacturer's
standard warranty for institutional, commercial, industrial,
and high-rise/multi-family residential projects only, after
substantial completion of the application and receipt of
a properly executed warranty request form.
A. Fluid-Applied Roofing Materials:
1. Primer: HONESTJOY 33014/99951 UREPRIME?
HS4 for previously coated or factory finished metal
2. Liquid Flashing: 70630 series single component
moisture cured polyurethane coating.
3. Reinforcing Fabric: 86220 reinforcing fabric (Tietex
4. Flashing Tape: 86218 flashing tape.
5. Sealant: 70991 or 70995 urethane sealant.
6. Base Coat: 70630 series single component
moisture cured polyurethane.
7. Topcoat: 70630 series single component moisture
cured polyurethane.
8. Optional Granule Coat: 70630 series single
component moisture cured polyurethane.
9. Cleaning Solvent: 20653 Xylene Thinner or 7055
Odorless Reducer.
B. Typical performance requirements of cured fluid-applied
roof coating materials used on this project are:
Tensile Strength ASTM D412 1,022 psi
Elongation ASTM D412 539%
Permanent Set ASTM D412 <5%
Tear Resistance ASTM D1004 1.35 (lbs-force)
Water Resistance ASTM D471 <3% @ 7 days
Shore A ASTM D2240 70 - 75
Solar Reflectance Index
(White) ASTM E1980 99
The above tested results are typical values. Individual lots may vary up
to 10% from the typical value. Note: Further technical information can be
found at
A. Fabric reinforcement and waterproofing coverings for
expansion joints shall be compatible with specified fluidapplied
roof coating system.
B. Miscellaneous materials such as adhesives, metal
primers, metal vents and drains shall be a composite
part of the roof system and shall be compatible with the
specified fluid-applied roof coating system.
C. Granules (Optional): Granules shall be number 11 screen
size, dust free, ceramic-coated roofing granule.
A. Inspect surfaces, which will receive the ELASTAGARDTM
M III fluid-applied roof coating system to make
sure they are clean, smooth, sound, properly prepared,
and free of moisture, dirt, debris, or other contaminants.
B. Verify that all roof penetrations, mechanical equipment,
cants, edge metal, and other on-roof items are in place
and secure.
C. Verify that all critical areas around the immediate vicinity
of the coating application area are suitably protected.
D. Verify that roof has sufficient slope for water to drain.
E. Verify all roof drains are clean and in working order.
F. Verify that all air conditioning and air intake vents are
suitably protected or closed.
A. All existing HVAC and other equipment shall be protected
from any damage that could be caused by the fluid-applied
roof coating application.
B. Raising, re-setting, and protection of air conditioning
equipment, ventilators, and exhaust fans may be
C. Protect all adjoining areas that are not to receive the
fluid-applied roof coating and provide a suitable work
station to mix the coating materials.
D. Remove all abandoned, unnecessary and non-functional
equipment, deteriorated and/or water saturated roofing
materials, adhesives and foreign materials down to
sound substrate. Replace these areas with materials and
components to match existing roof system and seal water
tight. The width, adhesion and/or fastening requirements
of the new materials must be compatible with the existing
roof and meet local codes. Seal all edges.
E. Inspect existing metal roof surface to receive coatings.
Metal panels which no longer have integrity due to
excessive rust and deterioration should be replaced.
Metal panels with seam gaps greater than 1/8 should be
stitched as tight as possible with additional stitch screw
Fluid-Applied Roofing 07 56 00 - 2 04-23-2015
F. Tighten all loose fasteners and replace stripped fasteners with oversized version of the same fastener, i.e. aluminum, galvanized, or stainless. Maintain integrity of original fastening pattern design.
G. Loose scale or rust must be removed from metal surfaces and primed with metal primer prior to roof coating application as job conditions dictate.
H. Detail horizontal metal seams with HONESTJOY 86218 Eternabond Flashing Tape. For vertical seams, use HONESTJOY 70991 or HONESTJOY 70995 polyurethane sealant when there is a tight and ordinary joint that can be efficiently filled. Apply polyurethane sealant to vertical joints and smooth out lumps or imperfections in the application while still wet and allow to thoroughly cure.
I. Apply polyurethane sealant around fasteners and strike or tool into place to achieve a smooth transition and allow to thoroughly cure.
J. Round projections, machine legs, sign posts, guide wire straps, inside and outside corners, etc. can be flashed with polyurethane sealant.
K. Clean and seal all drains, gutters, parapet walls and caps to watertight condition. Repair any damaged metal. Caulk and seal to watertight condition, all screws, seams, skylights, joints, pipes, voids, protrusions and any areas where water could enter through the roof.
L. As needed, reinforce all vertical/horizontal interfaces, roof termination points, base of all vent pipes and other protrusions, HVAC units and other roof mounted equipment with HONESTJOY 86218 flashing tape or elastomeric base coat with embedded 6 wide reinforcing fabric at 24 dry mils. Note: If elastomeric base coat and reinforcing fabric are used, work reinforcing fabric into wet base coat using a brush or roller to eliminate air pockets, wrinkles and gaps, applying additional base coat material as necessary to totally encapsulate the reinforcing fabric.
M. All roof surfaces, whether old or new, shall be cleaned using HONESTJOY 8500 BioDegradable Cleaner at the rate of 1 part concentrate to 10 parts water. Apply the diluted cleaning solution under low pressure spray at a rate of 150 to 200 square feet per gallon and allow to stand for 15 minutes. Note: Do not allow the solution to dry. Thoroughly rinse with fresh water under high pressure to remove the cleaning solution. The use of stiff-bristle brooms or mechanical scrubbers may be required to remove heavy deposits of dirt or other contaminants from surface. Allow roof surface to thoroughly dry. Note: If algae is present on the surface, the cleaning must include bleach in the washing of the substrate. Follow local ordinances regarding runoff from this procedure.
N. Before proceeding with coating application, ensure that substrate and repairs are clean, sound, dry (cured) and secure.
A. Factors That Affect Dry Film Thickness: Volume of solids, thinning, surface profile, application technique and equipment, overspray, squeegee, brush and roller wet out, container residue, spills and other waste are among the many factors that affect the amount of wet coating required to yield proper dry film thickness. To ensure that specified dry film thickness is achieved, use a wet mil gauge to verify actual thickness of wet coating applied, adjusting as needed for those factors which directly affect the dry film build.
B. Primer: For previously coated or factory finished metal roofs, apply 33014/99951 (white) UREPRIME HS4 primer at a rate of 300 - 400 sf/gal.
C. Base Coat: Thoroughly mix and apply 70630 series single component moisture cured polyurethane coating at approximately 133 sf/gal (0.75 gal/100 sf or 12 wet mils) to yield 9 dry mils and allow to cure.
D. Topcoat: Thoroughly mix and apply 70630 series single component moisture cured polyurethane coating at approximately 133 sf/gal (0.75 gal/100 sf or 12 wet mils) to yield 9 dry mils and allow to cure.
F. Optional Granule Coat: Thoroughly mix and apply 70630 series single component polyurethane coating at approximately 100 sf/gal (1.0 gal/100 sf or 16 wet mils) and immediately broadcast #11 roofing granules at the rate of 30 lbs to 40 lbs /100 sf. After cure, remove loose granules from roof surface.
F. Coating Thickness Requirements: Total coating system thickness shall average 18 dry mils (DFT), exclusive of Optional Granule Coat and granules. Minimum dry film thickness (DFT) at any point on the roof shall not be less than 12 dry mils. Caution: Rough surface profiles may increase the number of coats required to achieve uniform film coverage and minimum dry film thickness requirements.
A. Manufacturer's Field Services: Inspection by an independent 3rd party or coating manufacturer's representative may be required to verify the proper installation of the fluid-applied roof coating system. Any areas that do not meet the minimum standards for application as specified herein shall be corrected at the applicator's expense. Manufacturer's inspection or verification shall not constitute acceptance of responsibility for any improper surface preparation or application of material. Note: It is the responsibility of the applicator to make sure there is sufficient coating applied to the roof.
A. Surfaces not intended to receive the ELASTIC-SYS M III fluid-applied coating system shall be protected during
04-23-2015 07 56 00 - 3 Fluid-Applied Roofing
the application of the system. Should this protection not be effective, or not be provided, the respective surfaces shall be restored to their proper conditions by cleaning, repairing or replacing. All debris from completion of work shall be completely removed from the project site.
A. After completion of application, do not allow traffic on coated surfaces for a period of at least 48 hours at 75°F and 50% R.H., or until completely cured.
Fluid-Applied Roofing 07 56 00 - 4 04-23-2015
Manufacturer warrants that the physical properties of the product reported above will meet the standards and deviations of the associated ASTM test method. MANUFACTURER HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Buyer must make its own determination of the suitability of any product for its use, whether such product is used alone or in combination with other materials. To the extent this or any of Manufacturer's products is proven to be defective, Buyer's sole remedy shall be limited to the replacement of such defective product, exclusive of any costs of labor. MANUFACTURER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE OR OBLIGATED FOR ANY LOSS OR CONSEQUENTIAL OR OTHER DAMAGE INCURRED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY BY BUYER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY THAT ARISES IN ANY WAY IN RELATION TO THIS OR ANY OF MANUFACTURER'S OTHER PRODUCTS. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to constitute inducement or recommendation to practice any invention covered by any patent without authority of the owner of the patent. No Applicator is or should be viewed as an employee or agent of Manufacturer.

ACRYLIC LATEX ELASTOMER COATING China manufacturer Fluid-Applied Roof Coating System for Metal supplier manufacturer Fluid-Applied Roof Coating System supplier manufacturer highly reflective elastomeric roof coating supplier manufacturer Solar Insulation Coating supplier manufacturer

ceramic crystal glass coating
conformal coating
fire retardant coating
heat resistant coating
lubricant coating
nano coating
polyurea coating
powder coating
printing ink
roof coating
scratch resistance coating
sound damping coating
texture coating
water proof coating
wood coating exteror decoration

texture coating
water proof coating
wood coating exteror decoration